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cost object中文是什么意思

用"cost object"造句"cost object"怎么读"cost object" in a sentence


  • 成本对象
  • 成本课体
  • "cost"中文翻译    n. 1.费用;代价,价格;成本。 2.牺牲;损害,损失 ...
  • "object"中文翻译    n. 1. 物,物体,物件。 2.目标 (of; for ...
  • "object cost" 中文翻译 :    目标成本
  • "object" 中文翻译 :    n. 1. 物,物体,物件。 2.目标 (of; for); 目的,宗旨。 3.【哲学】对象,客体,客观 (opp. subject); 【语法】宾语。 4.〔口语〕(可笑或可怜的)人[物]。 a small [strange] object 小[奇怪]东西。 the object of study 研究的对象。 the direct [indirect] object 直接[间接]受词。 What an object you have made (of) yourself! 〔口语〕你这家伙把自己搞得真不像样子! attain [achieve, gain, secure] one's object 达到目的。 fail [succeed] in one's object 没有达到[达到]目的。 for that object 为了那个目的。 no object 〔广告用语〕怎样都好,不成问题;没有困难(Distance is no object. (待聘者)上班距离(远、近)不成问题)。 propose an objectto oneself = set an object before one 立志,立下目标。 with that object in view 怀着那个目的。 vi. 1.反对,抗议,表示异议 (against, to)。 2.抱反感,不服气,有意见。 vt. 提出…作反对的理由 (that)。 If you don't object. 假使你不反对。 I object. 〔英下院〕我反对。 I object against him that he is a hypocrite. 我反对他,因为他是个伪君子。 object to 1. 反对(I object to your doing that. 我反对你做那件事)。 2.讨厌(I object very much to a wet weather. 我非常讨厌潮湿的天气)。 adj. -less 没有目的[宗旨]的,没有物像的。
  • "object to" 中文翻译 :    反对,不赞成; 反对;抗议,抱反感; 反对;抗议;不支持; 声称; 提出异议; 赞成……的人则认为
  • "to object to" 中文翻译 :    提出异议
  • "object(object)" 中文翻译 :    物件功能
  • "at a cost of" 中文翻译 :    以..为代价,成本为……
  • "at cost" 中文翻译 :    按成本计算; 成本值; 以成本价;按收回成本的原则; 照原价
  • "at no cost" 中文翻译 :    以半价
  • "at the cost of" 中文翻译 :    丧失,牺牲; 以为代价; 以…代价; 以…为代价,牺牲…而获得; 以什么为代价; 以之为代价
  • "cost" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.费用;代价,价格;成本。 2.牺牲;损害,损失。 3.〔pl.〕讼费。 living costs 生活费用,物价。 first [prime, initial] cost生产成本。 at all costs = at any cost 无论如何,不惜任何牺牲。 at cost 照成本。 at sb.'s cost 某人出钱;损及某人。 at the cost of 以…为牺牲,舍…而。 cost and freight 成本加运费〔略作 C.& F.〕。 cost of living 生活费(用)。 cost of living index 物价指数。 cost of operation 管理费用。 count the cost 估计费用;先盘算盘算。 free of cost 免费,(奉)送。 to sb.'s cost 归某人负担,算作某人损失;叫某人受累;某人吃亏后才(as I know to my cost我吃亏后才知道。 I knew it to my cost. 这个我(因吃过苦头)是见而有戒了。 He found to his cost that motoring is dangerous. 他(吃过苦头后才)知道开汽车是危险的)。 vt. (cost; cost) 1.值,要价(苦干);花费,需要。 2.使花费,使损失,牺牲。 3.估定(…的)成本。 vi. 花费,付代价。 It costs five dollars. 值五元,要价五元。 It cost me much labour. 费了我不少劳力。 His ambition cost him his life. 他的野心断送了自己一条命。 cost (sb.) dear(ly) 代价极大,费用极高;闯大祸,吃大亏(If you attempt it, it will cost you dear. 你试试看,一定要吃大亏的)。 cost what it may 不惜任何代价,无论代价多少;无论如何。
  • "cost s" 中文翻译 :    成本函数
  • "no-cost" 中文翻译 :    adj. 〔美俚〕免费的。
  • "on cost" 中文翻译 :    按照成本; 间接费用; 外加成本
  • "cost to cost" 中文翻译 :    成本比例法
  • "cost-to-cost" 中文翻译 :    成本对成本法
  • "criminal object; object of a crime" 中文翻译 :    犯罪客体
  • "object lesson; object teaching" 中文翻译 :    实物教学
  • "a tract object" 中文翻译 :    抽象客体
  • "absolute object" 中文翻译 :    绝对目标
  • "abstract object" 中文翻译 :    抽象对象; 抽象客体; 抽象目标
  • "access object" 中文翻译 :    存取对象; 存取方式访问对象; 访问对象
  • "accessibility(object)" 中文翻译 :    是一个以编定
  • "accusative object" 中文翻译 :    受事宾语


  • Enterprise resources planning and activity - based costing both are the new type thoughts of management which are popular throughout the world now . this article studies the merging base between activity - based costing and enterprise resources planning first , which is that both have the same cost object 、 the same thought of cost management and the same management purpose , and analyzes the differences from two from cost management category , brings up that the enterprise resources planning mixing with the activity - based costing management thought will bring four of advantages to enterprise , first is expanding the cost managing scope of erp system , second is promoting the valid cost control , third is increasing the erp system cost decision function , four is convenient for business to pursue activity - based management more availably , and reduce costs continuously
  • This theory of limits designing is a very important method of controlling and management project cost both in domestic and abroad . it carries out the controlling cost ides through out the progress and make sure the cost object to come true . it can exert designers " personal energy fully and
用"cost object"造句  



A cost object is a tangible input for a product manufactured/Service provided, like labor or material. For example a cloth manufacturing firm requires some amount of predetermined labor and predetermined raw material for any amount of cloth being manufactured.
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